What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

What We Believe

We are proud of our history at Goodlettsville Church. We are and have been since our founding, a Cumberland Presbyterian Church. “Cumberland Presbyterian” sounds strange and foreign to some people…it did to most of us at first too!  So don’t worry.  The word Presbyterian comes from a Greek word that means “elder” because we are a church led by elders.  Presbyterians have been around for a long time.  They find their roots in the Reformation and have been a major movement for the gospel for hundreds of years.  “Cumberland” is a branch of Presbyterians that rose up in this area of the “Cumberlands” over 200 years ago.  We get our system of beliefs from the Bible and you will find that we share the same basic beliefs as Baptists, Methodists and other friends.  Certainly there are a few differences here and there so read below and see for yourself.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or email us.  

We believe in the unity of Godhead and there are three persons of substance-God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is of the only head of his Church on earth, which consists of those who have received Christ by faith. We believe that there are no eternal reprobates, or people who are lost regardless of their own will. Christ died not for a  part only, but for all mankind and whosoever believes in Him has eternal life.We believe all infants dying in infancy, and all persons who have never had the faculty of reason, are regenerated and saved through Christ and the sanctification of the Spirit. We believe that all men, because of the effects of original sin, need regeneration and the Spirit of God operates on the world in such a manner as to leave all inexcusable. We believe that good works are not the cause of salvation, but are the results of regeneration. A state of sinless Perfection in this life is not authorized by the scriptures. Sanctification does not mean sinless perfection, but does mean a setting apart for a sacred use. We believe there are two sacraments of the Church: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism symbolizes the baptism of the Holy Spirit and is the eternal sign of the covenant which marks membership in the community of faith. In this sacrament the church witnesses to God’s initiative to claim persons in Christ, forgive their sins, grant them grace, shape and order their lives through the work of the Holy spirit, and set them apart for service. It is the privilege and duty of all believers to seek baptism for themselves and their children, and to accept its benefits. The Lord’s Super is symbolized with bread and wine (we use grape juice), which, though figuratively called the body and blood of Christ, nevertheless remain, after consecration, literal bread and wine. We believe God blessed marriage as a sacred institution for the happiness, nurture, and welfare of family. As such it is intended to be permanent, however through human weakness, this covenant is frequently broken.

The Church is called not only to the ministry of strengthening marriage, but also to the ministry of healing those affected by the dissolution of the marriage covenant. We believe, that in Jesus Christ, God has acted to redeem persons from the bondage of death both in spirit and body. As God raised Jesus Christ from death, so it will be with those who have faith in him. We believe the judgment of God is both present and future. Persons experience judgment in many forms, including broken relationships with God and others, the guilt and consequences in God’s faithfulness and the purpose of life. God’s judgment also transcends and to live without repentance, faith, and love. Those who reject God’s in Jesus Christ remain alienated from God and in hopeless bondage to sin and death, which is hell. In the consummation of history, at the coming of Jesus Christ, the kingdom of the world shall become the kingdom of the Lord and of the Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. Members are received on Profession Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith or by Letter of Transfer.

To all who are weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are idle and look for service; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to whosoever will come-this church welcomes you in the name of Jesus Christ her Lord.

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